Thursday, January 4, 2018

Concluding Remarks

After studying our plant we learned a few things through pictures and tests. Our hypothesis was proven wrong, as the plants liquid does not draw the bugs. However, the UV test showed the tips of the leaves glowed, to attract bugs to the interior of the plant. When the bug lands within the interior of the plant, the spikes go through the body, killing the bug. The last step of this process is the plant closing up on the body of the bug, taking in its pray.

Dissecting Microscope Images

Ant part in spike 3x photo creds @cole

Edge of plant with spikes 3x photo creds @cole

Morphological Data

Large tube-like plant structure, spikes on inside of plant leaves that trap bugs, dark red vein-like design on inside and outside of plant, water inside of tubes

Testing Results

PH Level Test
Leaf Number
PH Level
Leaf 1
7 (Yellow)
Leaf 2
6 (Orange)
Leaf 3
6 (Yellow/Orange)

                                                        Color Change Test
Round Number
Color Change
Change or No Change
Test 1
No Change
Test 2
No Change
Test 3
No Change

Light Microscope Images

Plant piece in water: high power photo creds @kali

Edge of plant with spikes: low power photo creds @kali

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Concluding Remarks

After studying our plant we learned a few things through pictures and tests. Our hypothesis was proven wrong, as the plants liquid does n...